Friday, December 4, 2009

What gets make up such as eye liner and lip liner stains out of carpet?

Try rubbing a bit of washing up liquid into the stain and then cleaning it with a very wet cloth.What gets make up such as eye liner and lip liner stains out of carpet?
Try pouring a little Dawn dish soap onto a damp cloth or spray the area with Windex %26amp; blot the areas with paper towel, until the stains are gone.What gets make up such as eye liner and lip liner stains out of carpet?
well there are alot of carpet cleaners you can get but i'd at least use finger nail polish remover and see if that helps.

Try using your make up remover solution on it and give it a good rub.
Oops happened to me all the time. Get some make up remover wipes or liquid.

If not, really soapy water and some elbow grease will do the trick.

Still not off?.... Get some washing powder with a teeny bit of water (like a paste) and rub it in, leave for a bit and rinse witha clean wet cloth and good scrub!

Good Luck

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